AoD v1.2.5 Major Patch
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The biggest headline of this update. We've entirely reimagined how you operate magic, completely eliminating the need for typing server commands and utilizing the brick selector and hotbar for spell management. This was made possible in large part thanks to some custom work Elletra did on bl-liberator for us which enabled some modifications to fxDtsBrickData objects that weren't allowed by default. This interface pattern for using the brick selector and hotbar could be expanded in the future to replace some other things that currently still use server commands.
To use magic, you now simply press B to open the brick menu, which will be populated with all the spells you have unlocked, and pick the spells you want on your hotbar. Just like with building, you can right-click a spell to equip it temporarily without it being added to your hotbar.

You can open the hotbar at any time to enter a 'barehanded' casting mode, from which you can cast any spells you like without the use of a staff. For ease of use, we've removed the requirement to use a staff while in combat; and melee armor no longer prohibits casting spells. On that note, we've also made Recall a regular spells which everyone has unlocked! There is no longer any need to lug a Recall scroll around in your inventory at all times.
Spell picker/hotbar icons were purchased from Snurly's Spell Icon Pack with only minor modifications applied.
Spell Power, Cooldowns, Utility Spells, and You
Since spell casting is being unrestricted for melee, we've also reimagined the 'spell damage' stat into 'spell power', which now influences many utility spells beyond just damage output. Healing spells now have their effectiveness linearly adjusted by spell power with a logarithmic falloff on positive spell power stats. Basically, this means that these spells can only gain a little bit of additional effectiveness from bonus spell power; but will face major reduction in effectiveness from negative spell power stats such as what melee armors have.
We've also introduced a per-spell cooldown system which has allowed us to rethink how certain spells interact with your spell loadout. As a rule of thumb, we've left basic spells with no cooldown so you can always use them; but we've added cooldowns to some higher tier spells that we want you to alternate using with other spells in your loadout. In exchange for these cooldowns, we've increased the power of some of these higher tier spells too.
‣ Cauterize: Now heals 20% of recently taken damage, modified by your spell power. Spell power modifications beyond 25% effectiveness are throttled logarithmically.
‣ ManaStiches: Now heals 30% of recently taken damage, modified by your spell power. Spell power modifications beyond 30% effectiveness are throttled logarithmically. Added 20 second cooldown.
‣ AuroraHealing: Now heals 35% of recently taken damage, modified by your spell power. Spell power modifications beyond 40% effectiveness are throttled logarithmically. Added 60 second cooldown.
‣ Dash: Slightly lowered base effectiveness, effectiveness is now modified by your spell power. Added 5 second cooldown. Element changed from Arcane to Fire.
‣ Alchemy (All variants): Now interactively allows you to pick an item from your inventory to alchemy, instead of using the last item you had equipped. Spell power has no effect on alchemy spells.
‣ Recall: Now learned by default.
‣ ShadowBomb: Increased base damage to 800 (+250 radius), added 20 second cooldown, removed non-linear spell power scaling.
‣ Eclipse: Increased base damage to 200, added 10 second cooldown, removed non-linear spell power scaling.
‣ Bloodstrike: Added 20 second cooldown.
‣ ShadowBolt: Removed non-linear spell power scaling.
‣ FrostShards: (Hologlaxer) Added new casting VFX and projectiles are now spawned in an arch formation above your player.
‣ BloodSpray: (Hologlaxer) Added new casting VFX and projectiles are now spawned in an arch formation above your player.
Quote from: (Hologlaxer) Developer Media - Projectile summoning arch formation
‣ (Pecon + Darksaber + Hologlaxer) New intermediate Earth spell: Slam
—▷ This spell bounces you upward slightly, right before sending you crashing to the ground to create a large explosion on impact. Cast it from a height and crouch simultaneously for extra effectiveness! 10 second cooldown.
—▷ Unlock scrolls can be found occasionally in the dungeon.
Quote from: (Darksaber) Developer Media - Slam spell demonstration
‣ New Light spell: Aegis
—▷ Grants 10 seconds of invincibility.
—▷ Single-use scrolls can be found occasionally in the dungeon. This spell does not have an unlock scroll.
‣ (Hologlaxer) Added a couple new learnable legendary spells for you to discover.
Staffs Restatted
Since casting with a staff is no longer primarily a mechanical convenience, we've also introduced some stat changes to them across the board to help re-incentivize using them in the new system.
‣ The Apprentice staff now provides -10% mana cost on all spells.
‣ The Mage staff now provides +10% spell power on all spells.
‣ All the basic elemental staves now provide a -20% mana cost and a +20% spell power modifier for spells of the matching element.
‣ All the legendary elemental staves now provide a -30% mana cost and a +30% spell power modifier for spells of the matching element.
Hybrid Armors Rework
From observation of adventurers using hybrid armors, there were clear signs that one class would still be seen as the dominant one; relegating the other to more niche purposes. Therefore, the hybrid armors have been reworked to introduce passive effects that only trigger when playing as one class which will provide an advantage for the other class; greatly incentivizing to synergize and play as both classes more often.
Holy Knight
‣ (Hologlaxer) Reduced mana regen stat changed from -60% to -100%
‣ (Hologlaxer) Increased spell power stat from +20% to +30%
‣ (Hologlaxer) New mechanic: True Melee Manasteal — 8% of melee damage dealt is added as mana to your mana pool.
Quote from: (Hologlaxer) Developer Media - Holy Knight True Melee Manasteal
‣ (Hologlaxer) Slightly decreased arrow modifier bonuses
‣ (Hologlaxer) Now has standard -75% stat for mana regen and spell power.
‣ (Hologlaxer) Like all other melee armors, no longer prohibited from casting spells.
‣ (Hologlaxer) New mechanic: Banzai Charge — After landing hits with a ranged weapon, gain Banzai Charge which increases both your movement speed and Melee attack damage for some time.
New: Warlock
‣ (Hologlaxer) Warlock armor: Created with divine crafting by combining Magister Robes armor with Poacher armor, a basic mana crystal, and a golden idol.
‣ (Hologlaxer) -25% armor, +40% spell power, +150% mana regen, +50% arrow recovery, +75 arrow capacity, moderate arrow modifer bonuses, cannot use channeling crystals.
‣ (Hologlaxer) Mechanic: Passive Channel — Any time you are not casting spells, passively gain bonus mana regen stat up to a maximum of +900%. Casting a spell resets your mana regen stat to the base value.
Quote from: Developer Commentary
Rushing erratically is a ruined dance of harmony... Impatience... Unsustainable! But a patient harmonic dance will surely last forever in beauty.
Quote from: (Hologlaxer) Developer Media - Warlock passive channel
General Changes
New & Changed Equipment
‣ (Hologlaxer + Darksaber) Added a new legendary melee weapon to be crafted.
‣ (Hologlaxer) Added a new legendary ranger weapon that can be found rarely in the dungeon.
‣ (Magus + Darksaber) Added a new ranger arrow mod 'Lightning Lacrima'. It can be found occasionally in the dungeon.
‣ Feast & Famine's ultimate effect has been replaced with a stackable temporary +0.1x scale & damage buff that lasts for five minutes.
—▷ Consequently, the Growing Pains curse has been removed from the game.
‣ Body & Mind's ultimate effect has been replaced with one that applies a stackable temporary +100 Max HP & Mana buff that lasts for ten minutes.
—▷ As there is no longer any way to acquire permanent max HP/mana modifications, support for them in the saving system has been dropped. Any players who had permanent max HP/mana modifications will revert to their level's default stats as of this update.
‣ Archangel's Staff's special ability now grants a powerful temporary HP shield instead of invincibility.
Quote from: Developer Commentary
I'm sorry but this shit was just busted. I've added the Aegis spell scroll so that invincibility is still a player-accessible mechanic, just not a totally free one you get to use on a cooldown.
‣ Bulwark's Draught now grants only 300 HP for its shield, but the duration has been extended to five minutes.
—▷ Additionally, the potion also grants a non-stackable +0.2x player scale & damage buff that also lasts five minutes.
‣ Tonic Vitæ now also grants a non-stackable +100 Max HP & Mana buff that lasts five minutes.
‣ Focus Distillate now overcharges your special attack energy to 150%.
Other Content
‣ (APX) Composed new original ambiance soundtracks for floors 2, 3, 5, and 6, replacing the unoriginal soundtracks.
‣ The Mind Torn Guard miniboss has learned to DODGE.
‣ (Hologlaxer + Pecon) Added item icons to nearly all remaining items that lacked them.
‣ Wrapping paper re-added to dungeon shop drop tables (Christmas event only).
Quality of Life
‣ (Hologlaxer) You can now wear hats while crowned.
‣ (Hologlaxer + Pecon) You can now properly utilize multiple crowns at once. The world may not be ready for this power.
Quote from: Developer Media - Multiple Crowns
‣ Added a /alignment command which allows you to check the piety of all your alignments as well as your current prayer power/connection.
‣ You can now enable multiple donor emitters at once. The world is definitely not ready for this power.
‣ (Hologlaxer) Added /sort command for interactive inventory sorting.
Quote from: (Hologlaxer) Developer Media - /sort command
‣ Significantly reduced the amount of camera shake the Troll Boss's boulder explosion does.
‣ New players now spawn into the game with a rusty dagger, a novice bow, an apprentice staff, a full quiver of arrows, and with the Recall & FlashFire spells automatically unlocked.
—▷ Starting gold reduced from 150 to 100.
Client Data Callback Functions
‣ (Hologlaxer) Added an assortment of client callbacks that communicate game state info that is useful for AoD client mods. Information you can get includes your player stats, quantities + types of damage you deal as you deal them, and boss encounter info.
Client data callback functions are opt-in, to enable them you must listen for the random number sent via the 'AoD_HandshakeReceive' client command, and reply with a 'AoD_HandshakeVerify' server command that passes back the random number. Doing this will disable sending the default bottomprint HUD! Prepend an extra 'true' argument to the verify command to skip disabling the HUD.
clientCmdAoD_ReceiveStats(string %stats) - Sends a space-delimited string with your various current stats.¹ clientCmdAoD_Health(float %amount) - Indicates how much health your player has gained/lost. clientCmdAoD_Shield(float %amount) - Indicates that your player currently has blocked the given amount of damage via shields. clientCmdAoD_Mana(float %mana) - Indicates how much mana your player has gained/lost. clientCmdAoD_Gold(int %gold) - Indicates how much gold your player has gained/lost. clientCmdAoD_Damage(float %damage, int %type, Point3f %position) - Indicates that you have dealt damage and where. %type can be 0 for generic damage, 1 for fire damage, and 2 for poison damage. clientCmdAoD_RangerCooldowns(string %cooldowns) - Sends a tab-delimited string with your arrow mod item cooldowns. clientCmdAoD_AddBoss(int %bossID, string %bossName, float %health, bool %isChallenged) - Sends information about the boss your player encounters, use this for any custom boss health bars needs. (This only works for main floor bosses, mini-bosses are not included.) clientCmdAoD_RemoveBoss(int %bossID) - Sends which boss your player have disengaged from, use this to remove any custom boss health bars. clientCmdAoD_UpdateBoss(int %bossID, float %health) - Sends an updated value of the boss' current health, this will only trigger if the boss is currently engaged. ¹ %stats = %level SPC %xp SPC %expGain SPC %requiredExp SPC %EXPMultiplier SPC %health SPC %extraHP SPC %shieldAmount SPC %maxHealth SPC %isInvincible SPC %mana SPC %extraMana SPC %maxMana SPC %gold SPC %goldGain SPC %goldMultiplier SPC %alignment SPC %alignmentAmt SPC %armor SPC %arrowMod SPC %spellPower SPC %manaRegen SPC %poison SPC %corruption SPC %bloodBuild SPC %bloodCurse SPC %healing
‣ (Hologlaxer) Fixed poison applied by arrowmods not counting towards your damage contributions.
‣ (Hologlaxer) Fixed some other inaccuracies in how player damage is tracked.
‣ (Hologlaxer) Fixed some issues the Oathbreaker's AI could run into when affected by an interrupt effect.
‣ (Hologlaxer) Fixed melee weapons hitboxes not scaling appropriately with your player scale.
‣ Fixed miniboss music frequently ending very early.
‣ Fixed some cases where certain enemies could keep you stuck in combat despite not actually being engaged.
‣ Fixed some incorrect tips, fixed the town NPCs sometimes spouting some wildly inaccurate nonsense.