Hosting this whole week - Small update (Development Hell)
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When the Big Update™ comes out, we will wipe the save system clean to give the whole thing a new shot at life. In its current state the endgame is not very interesting and is way too quick to get to. The new version will address this to a great extent, but to give it a fair shot we have to set the playing field even again. So this might be the last time you see your current save file. And for those of you who made extraordinary progress, don't worry too much, we'll be preserving a snapshot of the leaderboard somewhere so you can still show off your accomplishment in the future version of the game.
Anyhow, with all that aside, there are a few changes that will be showing up in this host. I'll be listing those here.
The Changes
- Items dropped by chests and found in shops are now controlled by proper droptables in the server code. You probably shouldn't notice too huge of a difference in the items you encounter and the rates of encountering them, but it should be a bit better balanced now.
- Major bosses now have dedicated drop tables which has enabled them dropping slightly more interesting loot. (They no longer just explode into consumables)
- There is now an AutoModerator on the server. It will be judging you constantly. Always watching. There is nowhere to hide.
That is the changelog. Since Conan is still hosting Farming, his server is unavailable for hosting on. Only the US-East and EU-Netherlands worlds will be up.
If this and the (Mis) error aren't able to be worked out, I could see why this would no longer be hosted. Development seems already dead, but I love this gamemode and wish it the best. Why doesn't conan's server have these errors? What exactly causes the C++ Runtime Crash? I feel like the (Mis) error that everyone thinks is from sequence names is really from how the animations are done and exported, but it's just a hunch. Hopefully something can be done.
Also I was in town so I didn't lose anything
The missing sequence error is a problem with Blockland's netcode which is exacerbated by custom playertype animations. We have tons of custom playertypes, so it's expected that the error would appear sometimes.
Quote from: Deokotaru
Uncommon is only 1 step up from common, which is about right. I've had the runtime error about a total of 8 times at Age of Dungeon, and never once at boss battles or any other server.
Then I wasn't clear enough. Only you and maybe two other people total have reported having consistent runtime errors. 99% of players have no difficulty playing for extended periods uninterrupted.
I have to ask this now, since I talked to one other person who reported having your sort of issue playing. Are you running the game with any dll-based mods? Are you on the latest game revision? If not to either, I'd implore you to try playing on a vanilla installation of the latest version of the game. dll mods have been known to cause all sorts of unusual issues and incompatibilities in the past, and using an older version of the game could also be the cause of strange incompatibilities.
Quote from: Pecon
Are you running the game with any dll-based mods? Are you on the latest game revision? If not to either, I'd implore you to try playing on a vanilla installation of the latest version of the game
No dll-based mods.
Yes latest version.
Tried running with a clean install, didn't work