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Submit screenshots to be put on the site carousel!

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The site homepage now has a carousel that displays screenshots of the gamemode! The main issue is, we don't have nearly enough good screenshots to put there. So if you have any good screenshots (or if you intend to take some good screenshots), post them in this thread! If the screenshot is good, we'll put it in the carousel and you'll get a spot in the special thanks section of the homepage.

Things to note:
- Your screenshots don't need to be ridiculously huge, as long as the window is at least 720p it'll look fine when it's downscaled to the size of the carousel.
- Shaders are good, but not a must either. Remember, while you're underground the level of shadow quality is completely irrelevant. You can just set them to low!
- Screenshots that include action are especially good. If you're doing PvE, taking a screenshot that includes your HUD will make it feel more authentic as a gameplay screenshot.
- Screenshots of group events like the Troll boss are especially good when you can get a lot of people working together in the picture.
- Screenshots of rare items or areas below level 3 are discouraged, as those things/areas are considered somewhat of a surprise.
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