Profile of Skyboard

Currently logged out, last seen Sat, 10 Aug 2024 01:00:37 -0700 PST

BL_ID: 182892

Current level: 156

Current EXP: 80042321

v1.1 Gold Champion
Ranked in the top 10 players of Age of Dungeons v1.1! v1.0 Silver Champion
Ranked in the top 50 players of Age of Dungeons v1.0! Fanatic
Have 1 month of play time. Challenge Completionist
Defeated every boss on challenge mode. Oath Maker
Defeated the Oathbreaker. Mightier than the Sword
Defeated the Metsudachi-possessed Oathbreaker.

Influence: 1446

Monsters slain: 260752

Total time online: 45 Days, 40 Minutes, 53 Seconds

Total EXP ever earned: 84642055 ©2024 Pecon