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Recent posts of Beskupehn

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Minor suggestions/issues thread
A feature to swap items between slots would be amazing (for managing curses and soulbound items)
I think a feature for two players to agree to duel eachother would be super fun for settling arguments, comparing player power, or even just passing time on the server with the usual players
Dueling would function similarly to trading where one player challenges another and the other either accepts or declines
These could also be split into two different sections where in one you can just casually fight someone and not lose anything and another where you die normally and lose items and gold and exp etc etc

...and betting. Betting would be amazing in conjunction with this
Minor suggestions/issues thread
Quote from: Pecon
This is not an intentional mechanic and is actually a bug I am looking into today. You're one of many people affected.

Oh thank god, Im always afraid to play on my main PC because it hard crashes (old peice of shit) and I am always fearful of losing a bunch of gold and XP whenever I go into the dungeons
This on top of the crashes the average player experiences as well
Minor suggestions/issues thread
A feature that lets you upgrade weapons (bronze to iron to steel to mithril to adamanium etc) with exponential gold co$t would be very neat
Minor suggestions/issues thread
Suggestion: "Gateway" spell, one-time use spell that creates a one-way "teleporter" from town to the users location; costs a fair amount of money (I'd say around 1.5k-2k) to be bought in the town magic shop, gets delet after about 5-10 minutes

This would be hugely useful for boss rushes (or raids or whatever you'd like to call them) and another niche use is for teleporting someone to you to loan you some money to buy a rare shop item (i have encountered this issue twice)

Edit: Along with this if you just want to teleport one person to you you can use "lesser gateway" and just warp em to you with a 6 second timer like the recall spell
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