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Recent posts of Deokotaru

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AoD Reboot Nov 22nd 2019 + Patch notes
So glad to see this back, YES! Thanks pecon!
Is this dead?
Will this ever be hosted again?
Hosting this whole week - Small update (Development Hell)
Quote from: Pecon
Are you running the game with any dll-based mods? Are you on the latest game revision? If not to either, I'd implore you to try playing on a vanilla installation of the latest version of the game

No dll-based mods.
Yes latest version.
Tried running with a clean install, didn't work
Hosting this whole week - Small update (Development Hell)
Uncommon is only 1 step up from common, which is about right. I've had the runtime error about a total of 8 times at Age of Dungeon, and never once at boss battles or any other server.
Hosting this whole week - Small update (Development Hell)

If this and the (Mis) error aren't able to be worked out, I could see why this would no longer be hosted. Development seems already dead, but I love this gamemode and wish it the best. Why doesn't conan's server have these errors? What exactly causes the C++ Runtime Crash? I feel like the (Mis) error that everyone thinks is from sequence names is really from how the animations are done and exported, but it's just a hunch. Hopefully something can be done.

Also I was in town so I didn't lose anything
No hosting this weekend.
Awesome! Thank you, I'll be looking forward to it.
No hosting this weekend.
How about THIS weekend?
No hosting this weekend.
Will there be hosting this weekend?
Game updates April 26th 2019
Where's the shadowbolt staff?! It's gone from the store.
Game updates April 19th 2019: Crash/Disconnect protection, guards, and more!
Quote from: Pecon
Which server were you on?
[US-E] Alone
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