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Recent posts of Jerry McLarry

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Jerry McLarry
Music Recommendations to AoD's UST and OST
Quote from: Jerry McLarry
Forestry Area

Hidden Boss(?)
Jerry McLarry
Music Recommendations to AoD's UST and OST
Recommendations to AoD's Unofficial Soundtrack and Original Soundtrack. Subject says it all. lmao, necroing an unused forum

Forestry Area

Hidden Boss(?)
Jerry McLarry
Minor suggestions/issues thread
I've just checked whether or not killing an "Oranger" would grant PKer status, it still granted me PKer status despite patch notes...
I think I've gone too far down the rabbit hole, but I'd like for you to check into the problem so no one else befalls the same fate as I.
Jerry McLarry
Game updates November 29th
Just as a quick rain check, will someone still gain an orange name by attacking someone with an orange name under this patch?
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